Acts of Resistance in Iran
V&A Blog

The urge to tell stories: interview with Sheida Soleimani
V&A Magazine, issue 63, Spring 2024

Stitches that speak review of Material Power: Palestinian Embroidery, Kettle’s Yard
Hali magazine, issue 217

‘Something in me sparked’: the Iranian women using art to protest
The Guardian

Cosmopolitan Connections
Hali magazine, issue 212

Just like Museums, Libraries Aren’t Neutral

Rebuilding Iran
The Oxford Review of Books

Contagion or Cure? A History of Healing and Pandemic in Qom
Ajam Media Collective

Women of Persia and Their “Domestic Superstitions”: A 17th Century Manual for the Female Sex
Ajam Media Collective

Condemn Trump’s threat to Iran’s Cultural Heritage
The Guardian

The Royal Worcester Carnatic Service
Islamic Art Subject Specialist Network

Pilgrimage in Twelver Shi’ism: fieldwork on the Camino de Santiago
Empires of Faith Blog

Rituals and Cholera in the Shrines Cities of 19th-Century Iran
Epidemic Urbanism

Indian Tiles Book Review
World of Interiors

Lifting the Curtain: the El Kholti Collection of Moroccan Embroidery
Hali magazine, issue 200

A Portrait of Iran
Hali magazine, issue 198

Contributions on tiles from Iran to The Tile Book: History, Pattern, Design

Pictorial Narration of the Battle of Karbala in Qajar Iran
Iran Namag, vol. 1, no. 4, winter 2017

The Shīʿīs in Palestine Book Review
Journal of Shiʿa Islamic Studies, vol. XIII

People of the Prophet’s House: Artistic and Ritual Expressions of Shiʿi Islam Book Review
Shii Studies Review, vol. 4

The Persian Carpet: the Forgotten Years, 1722-1872 Book Review
Journal of the Iran Society, vol. 2, no. 18